Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Team Fortress 2 Stats

For anyone uncertain about whether or not to buy the Orange Box, the answer is yes. Portal is the best single-player experience I've had in years, and Team Fortress 2 is the most enjoyable multi-player game I've played ever. It's balanced, approachable, and engaging all at once.
For any TF2 players who haven't yet discovered the Player Stats, check it out now. It's a bit distressing to see the total number of hours I've logged in, but it's fascinating for me to view my playing habits. I tend to play whichever class is most needed at any given time, which as you can see is medic. I love playing as an Engineer too, although admittedly most of my points were from building a single sentry in the enemy's sewers in 2Fort.
Generally speaking, the number of time I spend playing as a class correlates directly with the maximum number of points I've earned as that class. Part of it might be that the more time I spend as that class, the more accustomed I become to its nuances and the better I do. Or, contrarily, better performance as a class motivates me to play as that class more. The one exception is the Demoman class, which I still haven't gotten the hang of, and spend far too much time playing as. I've been playing more recently as the Soldier and Sniper, after realizing how much they CAN help my teams. Regardless, I'd never have discovered my playing habits without Team Fortress 2's handy dandy Player Stats window.

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